minature exhibition has concluded
My exhibition [miniature] has run its short course in an warehouse in Reykjavik on Saturday 10. september. I opened the doors at 3pm and closed them at 6pm.
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My exhibition [miniature] has run its short course in an warehouse in Reykjavik on Saturday 10. september. I opened the doors at 3pm and closed them at 6pm.
Read more...Alveg einsog ekkert hlé hafi verið dettur mér í hug að hafa sýningu á verkum unninn síðustu tvö ár. Og nú er opnun hér í Listamönnum við Skúlagötu laugardaginn 19. mars klukkan 14:00 til 18:00.
Read more...Sometimes it is of interest to go over the past endeavours. And when Robert Gourley contacted me to get me to talk to him about my art and music, I had a moment of pause,
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