A glimpse of the exhibition
Oh no! Einar Örn used his time to draw. “Einar Örn draws music. Not notes but itself. Drawings which move you. Drawings to dance to.” Haraldur Jónsson “When a line in a poem reaches
Read more...me thinks it works on electricity
Oh no! Einar Örn used his time to draw. “Einar Örn draws music. Not notes but itself. Drawings which move you. Drawings to dance to.” Haraldur Jónsson “When a line in a poem reaches
Read more...Stutt myndband af skyggnilýsingu af sýningunni í Listamönnum í nóvember 2014. Nei sko! // Oh no! Einar Örn notaði tímann sinn til að teikna. Lokun – Finissage from Markell Productions
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