we were sitting in a japanese restaurant contemplating the what a good friendship was made of. we were in a band called the sugarcubes and we were on a tour. a long tour. so to sit down and get rid of the acquired bus roll made a nice change. it is autumn and we get a bit enthused. I suggest that good friendship is when you have friends and you don’t argue or fight. like a good marriage. I discover that bragi and me have been friends for over a decade and never argued. the perfect friendship and marriage if my definition of that institution was to be taken seriously.
it so happened that denmark had just passed the law that people of the same gender could marry. and we were in denmark.
so hey !why not get married. it would take a small explaining to do to our girlfriends for me and bragi, when we would tell them that we got married. but alas, the idea and the action got drowned in a bottle of saki.
the morning after: nice morning on the bus to stockholm,
scott rodger, produced a fax based on our conversation from the night before. he had sent a fax to OneLittleIndian, describing our alleged marriage. following the fax OneLittleIndian press officer, dear Liz, thought this was wonderful, as similiar law was not in place in the UK. she faxed this further and further. and so our little Conversation about marriage and friendship had turned into frontpage news. it is still documented in rock lexicons far and wide apart.
and me and bragi? well today we still have our girlfriends, and their name is sigrún.


another reason why we called Liz was simply due to the fact that we were young, in our early to mid-twenties and we we all just discovered the true power of the media. how they can write whatever they want and get away with it. it was the first time we could read things in the media about the sugarcubes, or individual members of the band, that were just completely false, nothing malicious, simply not true. one day, driving through scandanavia, we discovered that same sex marriage laws were in place in denmark and we decided to test the powers of the media by placing our own flasehoods instead of theirs. it was a long tour and this was simply a little recreation from you boys as far as I can remember. I quite happily typed out the short press release stating that you both had finally decided to cement your relationship and faxed it off to Liz. Within a few days it was all over the music press as well as some of the daily uk tabloids. it was quite amazing to see this whole process react. needless to say that when the joke wore off I seem to remember that the blame fell on my shoulders. as every country we visited you were both constantly quizzed about your marriage. I’m sure until this day, people will constantly remind you of this event, especially the two sigruns!


Við sátum inni á japönskum veitingastað og vorum að tala um úr hverju góð vinátta væri gerð. Við vorum í hljómsveit sem kallaðist Sykurmolarnir og við vorum á túr. Löngum túr. Þannig að það var fín til breyting að setjast niður í ró og næði og vera laus við rútuna í smá stund.
Það var haust og við orðnir svolít ið glaðir. Ég lýsti því yfir að góð vinátta fælist í því að rífast ekki eða slást. Eins og gott hjónaband. Það rifjaðist upp fyrir mér að ég og Bragi höfðum verið vinir í meira en áratug og við höfðum aldrei rifist. Hin fullkomna vinátta og hjónaband, allavega ef mín skilgreining á þeirri stofnun á við einhver rök að styðjast.
Það vildi þannig til að Danir höfðu sett í lög að fólk af sama kyni mætti giftast. Og við
vorum í Danmörku. Og hvers vegna þá ekki að gifta sig. Við Bragi þyrftum að vísu að útskýra það einhvern ve inn fyrir sa býliskonum okkar en það vandamál kom aldrei til, þar sem ekkert varð úr neinu þar sem flaska af saki sá um að ekkert gerðist.
Morgunninn eftir. Þessi fíni morgunn í rútunni til Stokkhólms. Scott Rodger skrifaði fax byggt á samtali okkar frá kvöldinu áður, þar sem hann lýsti hjónabandi okkar, og sendi það á skrifstofu One Little Indian. Okkar kæra Liz, sem var fjölmiðlafulltrúi One Little Indian, fannst þetta ansi góðar fréttir, sérstaklega vegna þess að Englendingar höfðu ekki enn stigið sama skref og Danir, og hún sendi faxið áfram og þaðan hélt það áfram að ferðast og svo framvegis. Þannig að okkar litla samtal um hjónaband og vináttu varð að for íðu frétt hjá málsmetandi dagblöðum og í dag er það skjalfest í rokksögu bók um út um all an heim.
En hvað um mig og Braga? Við búum með kærustunum okkar og báðar heita þær Sigrún.